Professional courses available in Pakistan now
JEE - Jehadi Entrance Examination
IIT - Islamic Institute of Terror
IIM - Institute of Infiltration Management
CAT - Career in Al-Qaeda & Taliban
GATE - General Aptitude in Terror and Extremism
B.E. - Bachelor of Extremism
M.E. - Master of Extremism
B.Sc - Bachelor of Scientifc Terror
M.Sc - Master of Scientific Terror
B.Com - Bachelor of terror communication
M.Com - Master of terror communication
LLB - Bachelor in Lies and lustful behaviour
LLM - Master in Lies and lustful behaviour
TOEFL - Test of Endurance in Foreign Land
MBBS - Master of Bomb Blast Strategies
MBA - Master of Bomb Administration
IAS - ISI Aided Savagery
GRE - Graduate in RDX Explosives
B.Tech - Bachelors in Terror Ttechnology
M.Tech - Masters in Terror Technology