Common Browser Error Messages
Most errors contain a three-digit number code. What's important is that the numbers help you to understand where the problem originates from.
Error codes beginning with the number four are client errors and occurring on your end.
Error Message: " 400 Bad Request"
Simply put, the request was denied. The server on the other end says that this address doesn't exist, or has moved, or you have mis-typed a web address, wrong letter, numbers, etc. Double check everything and make sure you have NO spaces in your address. Also check that your browser advanced setting is set to use HTTP 1.1 or higher. Older browsers will not have this enabled.
Error Message: "401 Unauthorized", or "403 Forbidden"
You've attempted to access an encrypted Web site, a password protected site, or didn't supply the right password. Most likely you need to update your internet browser, security tools and then try to enter a website that you know, entering your password to be sure that works, then try the problem site again.
Error Message: " 404 File not Found or " 410
Gone- Maybe you have an OLD address or the site has moved, but its no longer there. Check your typing to make sure everything is correct. If everything is ok and this message repeats after a second attempt, then the file is gone. The "410 Gone" message tells you that whoever maintains the Web site that you are trying to access, has purposely moved the file, deleted it, or directed it to another page. If the webmaster was precise, he would automatically redirect you to where the file is now located.
Error Messages beginning with the number five are coming from the ISP ( Internet Service Provider) or from the actual web site being stored on the server
Error Message: " 500 Internal Server Error"
Simply put, The web server has encountered an error. It's not your fault. Its a common error and perhaps your ISP or the page is experiencing technical problems, the site is overloaded from too many users, or the site is having maintenance at the time you tried to access it. Most of these errors are temporary and in most cases, if you try again in 10-15 minutes, all these problems have been resolved. If they persist more than a few hours, you should alert your local ISP or the Web site owner
Error Message: "505 HTTP Version Not Supported"
This message tells you that the server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request. Usually you are using an older version of your Internet Browser and it must be updated to work with this site.
Error Message: "509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded"
Usually you wouldn't see this message, but it tells you that the page has run out of space. Many photo and file storage sites allow you to use only so much space to store your data. The user has exceeded usage and must pay for more space. Usually a temporary problem.
These are the most common messages you will see. Keep in mind that today's newest and most advanced Anti-virus; Spy ware, and Firewall software may also be interfering with your internet surfing attempts. Most commonly this is because a software suite on your computer has built in privacy settings that are supposed to strip your browser requests of their referrer information, but occasionally end up stripping other vital information from the request as well. This ends up causing an error message also. These programs must be setup when installed and you can usually find advanced setup details on the individual software makers' page.