Acronym of Good Morning,Good Night & GIRL.

Acronym of Good Morning:

(G)et up
(O)pen ur eye
(O)ut of ur bed
(D)ay has risen
(M)erry life
(O)ld dreams come true
(R)ise & shine
(N)ew plans
(I)deas of life
(N)ice future
(G)ud day!

Acronym of Good Night:

(G)o to bed
(O)ff the light
(O)ut of tension
(D)reams come
(N)ice sleep
(I)gnore worries
(G)et up earlier
(H)ave a nice day for

G - Gussa hamesha naak pe
I - Innocent sirf shakal se
R - Rone ki automatic machine
L - ladai me sabki nani
fir bhi duniya inki diwani


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